
The school community is brought together in the James B. White Performing Arts Center at the beginning of the year, mid-way through the year and at the end of the year. Assemblies help introduce new teachers, staff and students and it allows administration and the executive council a chance to give the students a sneak peek at what is to come throughout the school year. The students enjoy these moments because it allows them time to laugh, relax and enjoy. It also gives them something to look forward to.
Cappuccino Night
This night is a student showcase, dedicated to all those students who have talents to entertain. Students sign up and are given the opportunity to preform center stage in the Preforming Arts Center. Acts include singing, dancing, playing a musical instrument, acting, magic tricks, stand-up, etc. It is always a wonderfully entertaining evening.
Catholic Schools Week
Catholic Schools Week is a national celebration of Catholic education and an opportunity to recognize the importance, the value, and the contributions of Catholic education to the Church and the world. Catholic Schools Week (CSW) is sponsored by the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA). Here at Clearwater Central Catholic High School we celebrate CSW through Faith (a School Mass), Food (a Special Student Treat), and Fun (Student vs. Staff Basketball Game) amongst others. CSW always kicks off on the last Sunday of January.
Christmas Week
This week usually takes place in the first or second week of December and is dedicated to creating all kinds of Christmas cheer! There are dress down days sprinkled throughout the week to get students in the Christmas spirit and lots of fun activities like decorating classroom doors, building gingerbread houses, ugly sweater competition and the annual Christmas Tree Lighting ceremony and Christmas movie night. As a Catholic school, Christmas is an essential holiday and we make sure to fully indulge in the season to honor the birth of our savior.
Club Recruitment Day
On this day, students have the opportunity to hear about and interact with all the different co-curricular clubs and organizations offered by the school. Generally, different stations are set up in the McLaughlin Center with posters and information pertaining to the clubs so students have the chance to get involved.
Drama Productions
Performing Arts touches all aspects of acting, theater history, dramatic criticism and stagecraft, and heavily emphasizes the basics of acting including characterization, intention, movement, given circumstances and conflict. The Performing Arts course includes lecture, projects, monologue and scene work and Productions range from one act plays to major productions.
Dress Out Days
These are fun, organized days in which students can wear an approved CCC shirt with jeans, uniform shorts or pants and closed toed shoes. These special days give students the opportunity to support a special cause, recognize a certain sport or group on campus or even raise money. Sometimes we call these days “Red Out Days” in recognition or sports team if they have a big game coming up.
Homecoming Week
Homecoming is the BEST WEEK EVER at CCC! Students look forward to this special week all year long! Students and staff are encouraged to dress down all week according to the themes set for each day. What makes our homecoming week so special is that each of the grades gets to choose a theme as a basis for various competitions throughout the week such as halls decorating, movie production, class chant, sidewalk designs and a T-shirt design. Classes have a competitive but friendly rivalry throughout the week in which they compete for points to be victorious. The winner is announced at the homecoming football game on Friday. On Saturday night, everyone celebrates and wraps up the week’s festivities at the Homecoming Dance. One last thing that makes the week so special is the tradition of partnering with the Children’s Dream Fund to help raise money for children with life-threatening illnesses.
This is a chance for Juniors and Seniors to get together, dress up, dance, and have fun.
Prom 2021
Please take a moment to review the prom expectations and information within these documents. If a CCC student plans on bringing a non-CCC student to Prom, they must please complete this guest form. All Prom tickets are available via Parent Portal only. An email with more information will be sent to all juniors and seniors and their parents. If you have any questions about this event, please contact Mrs. Garland, [email protected].
Prom Expectations 2021
Prom Guest Permission Form 2021
Senior Week
This is a week planned to recognize the senior class as they prepare for graduation and also the junior class as rising seniors. The week includes a Junior/Senior recognition ceremony in which the current senior class recognizes the juniors as future leaders of the school. There is also a Junior/Senior breakfast, senior slideshow, presentation of senior superlatives, the senior picnic and the much anticipated Grad Bash trip. Prom is also usually around this time to add to the fun and festivities.
Spring Fling Week
Spring Fling week is full of fond memories for CCC students as it brings lots of fun activities, themed dress out days and friendly rivalry between the classes. Some of the activities include the annual Spike Night tournament and the ever-favorite Central Olympics where all four classes compete head-to-head to be champion! Bring all the spirit you can muster and join us for a week filled with fun and merriment.
Tech Club Game Night
This is a night of board & video games hosted by CCC’s Tech and Robotics Clubs to raise funds for their activities throughout the year. Mario Kart tournaments, Dance Dance Revolution and Super Smash Brothers are among some of the many games that are enjoyed by participants. Grab some friends and bring your favorite game to this fun event for a good cause!
Thanksgiving Food Drive
Every November, the CCCHS School Community comes together to share our blessings with our local community. Through the Office of Campus Ministry, families and students are invited to donate canned goods and non-perishables to the local organization Saint Vincent DePaul Society. Our school realizes that hunger is a fact of life for some people 365 days a year, but for at least 8 days in the middle of November CCC is willing to mobilize with three collection sites on campus. The food is then sorted, organized, inventoried and ultimately blessed at our annual Thanksgiving & Grandparents’ Day Mass. Our ultimate hope with the Thanksgiving Food Drive is that by living simply we may help others to simply live.
The Praedator, CCCHS School Yearbook
The school yearbook, The Praedator, is produced by the students in Yearbook I. It has won many awards over its fifty-plus year history.